Fire Sign

In a search to understand my love of shapes and textures in nature, I am naturally drawn to the trees.   There are some that just disappear in and among the trails that I hike.  Then there are others that continue to speak and draw me in.

When you research horoscopes, I fall under the Aries sign.  There is no mistake!   I am passionate, motivated, confident, always up for a challenge and as many might say strong willed.

Yes those are definitely words that I would use to describe me.  But what draws me in is that the fire is fueled by wood.  OK, yes I know some might say that is a stretch. IMG_8203   But I will challenge you when you see the trees or pieces of wood that call my name.   When many other’s pass them by on a regular basis.


I love the texture, grain and colors that have come from this long standing specimum.   It is beyond its prime but still a staple in and among this trail.   I was able to capture these images as the thorns and the underbrush have long died off as the weather turned cold.     It was once a force to be reckonned with and its mighty presense can still be felt though no longer thriving.

Maybe its just me and telling a story, I believe but fire represents energy and inspiration.  It is looked upon as compassion, excitment and inspiration.   There is no fire here on a dead tree laying on its side for me to pass on my hikes,  but it does call to me to be recognized and acknowledge as I wander past it!


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