Crisp Real & Raw

Days like today call out to me to be one with nature.  SunflowerEyez 05413The sky so blue and clear, the sun light bounces off the water and the contrast of the dark wood of the trees jump at a chance to entertain me!    The morning light gives an extra special sheen to everything it touches.

SunflowerEyez110554I cherish days that I can step off the hamster wheel of life and embrace the magic of the trails.   Though it is still February, the crispness is in the air and the ground is frozen in spots.   I head to this place to seek clarity and let me mind dance and play like a little child.   We get so caught up in the to-do lists of life and forget what is available with beautiful rest.    Rest in my world includes being surrounded by nature, fresh air and sunshine!

How did I not realize this was available when my kids were young?   Being in nature and so close to home but far enough to let the obligations of life shed it hold.    Walking the waters edge, the water is calm.SunflowerEyez_111358  The clarity is clear, you can see below to all of the wonderous rocks and stumps just below that surface. Ice crystals lay on the edge.  Rich green moss laying in the sun.   Spring is close as you hear the birds dancing among the trees.  Everything is still brown and the ground has not awakened as of yet.    SunflowerEyez102803My fascination with color, contrast and mirror images again the water is quite evident in the images I capture.  The wood, sand and light moving in and amoung the trees provides such peace and solitude I seek out.   How different would life have been if we were taught to turn off the television, disconnect from technology, bundle up and step outside.   Today, it was quiet.

Time disappears when wandering in this happy place.   These are postcards, these images are snapshots in time and speaks to the beauty of what is in plan sight.  We are constantly moving, being and doing – way too few of us stop and appreciate the moment.

20200223_102733I challenge you to stop and appreciate the life, nature and everything that surrounds you ~ cause its a gift and it can be taken away too quickly.

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